Peak understands mission-specific needs, prioritizing night vision optimization for superior situational awareness, target identification, and operational tempo crucial for survival. Our hybrid optics with LGRIN (Layered Gradient Refractive Index) technology, exemplified by HawkSight, herald a new era in night vision. Enhancing traditional glass to patented metamaterial-based LGRIN optics, we deliver lighter, safer, and higher-performing solutions, transforming warfighter effectiveness.

reduce Soldier Burden
- Reduce neck torque
- Broadens stereoscopic “Sweet Spot”

Target identification
- Optimal target identification over distance
- Enhances clarity in low-light conditions

Lightweight Optics
- Improves operational tempo
- 50% lighter than glass lenses
- 2x thinner, reducing optical chain weight

Optics Performance
- Enhanced color clarity and depth perception
- Improved visibility to the edge of the lens
- Suitable for soldiers with varying visual acuity

Operational Tempo
- Weight savings improves mobility
- Optimized center of gravity

Level-Up lethality
- Faster target identification
- Enhanced visibility in degraded battlefield conditions


Peak HawkSight optics can be used across the battlescape to improve intelligence gathering, situational awareness, targeting systems, operational tempo, and leveling-up lethality. The image below provides a visual overview of the diverse applications where HawksSight optics can play a vital role.