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    Fusion energy powers our sun and all the stars in the universe and has the potential to provide nearly unlimited amounts of clean energy. The process is theoretically simple. Hydrogen atoms can be superheated, fusing together, producing helium and clean energy. The implementation is a bit more complicated and requires hundreds of high-powered lasers or magnets to recreate the fusion process in a controlled manner. Self-sustainable fusion requires reactors that can operate on a 24/7 basis to provide the energy our world needs.

    Peak’s NanoPlex films are being incorporated into next-generation high-performance capacitors to provide the massive bursts of power required to power those lasers and magnets, increasing fusion effectiveness, efficiency, operational lifecycles, and production readiness.

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    Peak’s NanoPlex HDC films are being incorporated into next-generation high-performance capacitors for pulsed laser inertial confinement fusion reactors. Pulsed Laser Inertial Confinement devices, like the Sandia Z-reactor, leverage lasers to heat and compress a hydrogen fuel pellet, igniting fusion. The energy release is captured for the utility grid. Leveraging our unique, high-energy-density dielectric, you can increase fusion effectiveness, efficiency, operational life cycles, and production readiness. 
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      Improving Fusion Power Generation

      NanoPlex-based capacitors will enable fusion power plants to improve their power generation efficiency ratio (power required to generate fusion vs. the power multiple produced for consumption), which lowers the cost per kilojoule.

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      Stronger Power Bursts

      NanoPlex-based capacitors can store up to 2-4x more power than industry standard Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) capacitors, enabling fusion reactors to be more efficient.

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      Lower Operational Cost

      NanoPlex-based capacitors will lower the cost of operating and maintaining fusion power plants, increasing power generation, improving uptime, and reducing the power plant’s footprint to house pulsed power capacitors.

    NanoPlex HDC


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    Peak’s NanoPlex LDF films are being incorporated into next-generation high-performance capacitors for magnetic fusion reactors.  Pulsed Magnetic Compression Requires a superheated plasma to be contained within an hourglass-shaped magnetic container. The magnetic field strength is increased at either end of the hourglass to rapidly compress the superheated fuel, resulting in fusion and power for the utility grid.  Leveraging our novel low dissipation factor and high temperature handling dielectric film, you enable the rapid bursts of energy required to power those magnets, increasing fusion effectiveness, efficiency, operational lifecycles, and production readiness.
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      Improving Fusion Power Generation

      NanoPlex-based capacitors will enable fusion power plants to improve their power generation efficiency ratio (power required to generate fusion vs. the power multiple produced for consumption), which drives/lowers the cost per kilojoule.

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      Up to 5X Longer Duty Cycle

      Based on improved temperature ratings, NanoPlex LDF-based capacitors will have up to 5x longer lifetimes than BOPP capacitors.

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      Lower Operational Cost

      NanoPlex LDF-based capacitors will lower the cost of operating and maintaining fusion power plants, increasing power generation, improving uptime, and reducing the power plant’s footprint to house pulsed power capacitors.

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