Fusion Energy Ecosystem: Learn Key Associations, Universities, Companies, and Agencies

Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Supports fundamental plasma physics research and explores potential applications in fusion.
Advanced Fusion Reactor Development Group (AFRDG, Global)
A consortium of labs and companies focused on next-generation reactor designs and commercialization pathways.
Advanced Magnetic Fusion Research Initiative (AMFR, Japan)
Develops high-magnetic-field solutions for tokamaks and other advanced reactor concepts.
Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E, U.S.)
Funds innovative energy technologies, including novel approaches to fusion energy.
African Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (ANERI)
Promotes nuclear and fusion energy research across African nations.
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL, U.S.)
A DOE lab contributing to materials and computational research for fusion energy systems.
Asian Nuclear Energy Association (ANEA)
Promotes collaboration on nuclear and fusion research across Asia, including energy systems and plasma technologies.
Association of Italian Fusion Scientists
An organization representing Italy’s fusion research community, contributing to ITER and EUROfusion.
Association of Italian Fusion Scientists
An organization representing Italy’s fusion research community, contributing to ITER and EUROfusion.
Australian National University (ANU)
Conducts advanced research in plasma physics and magnetic confinement fusion, contributing to international collaborations.
Australian Plasma Fusion Research Facility (APFRF)
A national research platform in Australia, supporting plasma physics studies and fusion technology innovation.
Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW)
Coordinates fusion research in Austria, contributing to European projects like EUROfusion.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Conducts plasma research and energy studies, contributing to regional nuclear and fusion collaborations.
Bangladesh Plasma and Fusion Research Consortium
Aims to establish regional expertise in plasma physics and explore fusion energy potential.
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK•CEN)
Focuses on nuclear materials and fusion technology development, contributing to EUROfusion.
Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF)
Supports fundamental research in plasma physics and computational modeling for fusion systems.
Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Conducts plasma research relevant to fusion and space applications, contributing to global fusion collaborations.
Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (CFFTP)
A Canadian initiative focused on developing tritium handling and fusion fuel technologies.
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL)
Canada's national nuclear science and technology organization, exploring fusion applications and material sciences.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Regulates nuclear and fusion research activities in Canada, ensuring safety and compliance.
Caribbean Plasma Research Network (CPRN)
Advances plasma science education and research in Caribbean universities, with potential fusion applications.
CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)
A French government organization conducting nuclear and fusion energy research, including participation in ITER and the Tore Supra tokamak.
CEA Tore Supra / WEST
A French tokamak facility focused on long-pulse plasma operation and fusion materials testing.
Center for Fusion Energy Studies (CFES, U.S.)
Academic and industrial research consortium exploring technologies to advance fusion energy.
Center for Fusion Materials Science (CFMS, China)
Focuses on the development of advanced materials for fusion reactors, contributing to CFETR and ITER.
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Supports materials research and high-energy physics relevant to fusion energy.
China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)
A leading Chinese research organization conducting inertial confinement fusion and plasma physics research.
China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR)
A proposed next-generation fusion power plant project by China, aiming to bridge the gap between ITER and commercial reactors.
Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS)
A private U.S. company developing high-temperature superconducting magnet technology for compact fusion reactors.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, Australia)
Conducts advanced materials and plasma research to support international fusion efforts.
Council for Fusion Energy (CFEN, Japan)
A national advisory body guiding fusion energy policies and technological development.
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE)
Part of the UKAEA, managing major facilities like JET and developing technologies for next-generation fusion reactors.
Czech Fusion Research Unit
Coordinates Czech contributions to international fusion projects, including ITER and the EUROfusion program.
Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER)
Conducts plasma physics and materials research, supporting European fusion projects and ITER.
Eurasian Fusion Technology Network
Promotes collaboration in fusion engineering and materials science across Eurasian countries.
A consortium of European fusion research organizations coordinating European Union efforts toward fusion energy development, including ITER and DEMO.
European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA)
A historical framework coordinating Europe’s fusion research before EUROfusion, laying the foundation for ITER collaboration.
European Fusion Technology Programme (EFTP)
Supports engineering and technological solutions for Europe’s fusion research initiatives.
European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC)
Provides simulation and modeling resources for materials used in fusion reactors and other applications.
European Tritium Breeding and Recycling Initiative
Focused on technologies for sustainable tritium management in future fusion reactors.
Finnish Fusion Research Association
Advances Finland's participation in fusion projects, particularly in material science and computational studies.
Finnish Fusion Research Unit (FFRU)
Coordinates Finland’s contributions to fusion research within the EUROfusion framework.
First Light Fusion
A UK-based company exploring novel inertial fusion energy techniques to achieve cost-effective fusion energy.
French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Oversees a range of energy projects, including advanced fusion research facilities like Tore Supra (WEST).
Fusion Advocacy Forum (Global)
A coalition of researchers and advocates promoting public awareness and policy support for fusion energy.
Fusion and Advanced Plasma Research Group (FAPR, U.S.)
Academic research group advancing plasma physics and engineering solutions for fusion reactors.
Fusion Center for Energy and Sustainability (FUSION-CEAS, Spain)
A Spanish research hub focusing on sustainable fusion technologies and engineering.
Fusion Development Facility (FDF)
Proposed U.S. pilot plant aiming to demonstrate sustained fusion energy output at commercial scales.
Fusion Energy Frontier Center (FEFC, U.S.)
A DOE-funded initiative focused on advancing plasma-material interface research to improve reactor components.
Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC)
Advises the U.S. DOE on research priorities and strategies for fusion energy development.
Fusion Engineering and Design (FED)
A collaborative initiative supporting the development of engineering solutions for fusion reactors worldwide.
Fusion for Energy (F4E)
The European Union agency responsible for the EU’s contributions to ITER and other fusion research initiatives.
Fusion Futures Initiative (FFI, U.S.)
A nonprofit organization promoting education and public engagement around fusion energy.
Fusion Futures Initiative (FFI, U.S.)
A nonprofit organization promoting education and public engagement around fusion energy.
Fusion Industry Alliance (Global)
An international trade group advocating for fusion energy commercialization and industrial partnerships.
Fusion Industry Association (FIA)
A global trade association representing private fusion energy companies, advocating for commercialization and investment in fusion technologies.
Fusion Power Associates (FPA)
A U.S.-based nonprofit organization promoting fusion energy research and collaboration among institutions.
Fusion Power Coordination Committee (FPCC)
Oversees and aligns national and international fusion energy research programs to accelerate commercialization.
Fusion Power Systems Research Network (FPSRN, Australia)
A consortium of universities and labs working on plasma physics and advanced energy technologies.
Fusion Research Center (FRC), University of Texas
Focuses on advanced plasma theory and experiments to support the development of fusion energy.
Fusion Research Consortium of Japan
Coordinates academic and industrial collaboration in fusion research, advancing technologies like JT-60SA and DEMO.
Fusion Science Archives (IAEA)
A global repository of fusion research data, supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Fusion Technology Institute (FTI, U.S.)
Based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, focusing on tritium breeding, plasma materials interactions, and reactor designs.
General Atomics (GA)
A U.S.-based private research organization that operates the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, focusing on advancing magnetic confinement fusion.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Engages in energy research, including advanced fusion reactor concepts and materials science.
German Aerospace Research in Fusion Applications
Focuses on fusion’s role in sustainable energy systems and potential space propulsion technologies.
Greece National Fusion Research Unit
Supports plasma physics and materials science research, contributing to ITER and EUROfusion projects.
Hellenic Association for Fusion Research (Greece)
Coordinates Greece’s fusion-related studies and contributes to the EUROfusion program.
Helmholtz Association
A German research organization supporting fusion energy through institutes like the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and IPP.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
A German research institute focused on fusion materials, plasma physics, and advanced diagnostics.
High-Field Lab for Magnetic Fusion (France)
A specialized facility for studying high magnetic field effects in plasma confinement and fusion materials.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Fusion Research Group
Contributes to EUROfusion projects with advanced simulations and experimental diagnostics.
IFERC (International Fusion Energy Research Center)
A collaborative project between Japan and Europe to support DEMO reactor design and materials research.
Indian Institute of Plasma Research (IPR)
India’s national fusion research organization, managing the SST-1 tokamak and participating in ITER construction and development.
Indian National Fusion Program (INFP)
Coordinates India's fusion energy efforts, including ITER contributions and domestic tokamak research.
Indonesian National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Focuses on advanced energy research, including foundational studies in plasma and fusion technologies.
Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, France)
Supports materials research for fusion through neutron scattering experiments, aiding in understanding material behavior under reactor conditions.
Institute for Advanced Plasma Studies (IAPS, South Korea)
Specializes in experimental and theoretical research in magnetic and inertial confinement fusion.
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS, Germany)
Investigates sustainable energy solutions, including societal aspects of fusion energy development.
Institute for Applied Energy (IAE, Japan)
Focuses on energy systems research, including advanced studies on fusion energy technology.
Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS), University of Texas
A U.S. academic research center focused on theoretical and computational plasma physics to advance fusion energy.
Institute for Laser Energetics (ILE, Japan)
Focuses on inertial confinement fusion research and laser technology development.
Institute for Plasma and Atomic Physics (Slovenia)
Contributes to European plasma and fusion research through advanced computational and experimental studies.
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS)
Conducts plasma and high-energy density physics research, contributing to Russian fusion initiatives.
Institute of Energy Conversion (IEC, China)
Conducts research on plasma physics and advanced energy systems, contributing to Chinese fusion initiatives like EAST and CFETR.
Institute of Nuclear Physics (Kazakhstan)
Conducts advanced energy research, including materials and plasma studies relevant to fusion energy.
Institute of Physical Chemistry (Romania)
Contributes to fusion energy research through plasma-material interaction studies and advanced diagnostics.
Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP)
China’s leading institution for magnetic confinement fusion, managing EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak).
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Facilitates global cooperation in nuclear energy, including fusion research and development, through conferences and knowledge sharing.
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Supports global collaboration on clean energy technologies, including fusion energy development.
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF, Japan/EU)
Develops materials for future fusion reactors by testing them under neutron irradiation conditions similar to fusion environments.
International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA)
A global scientific effort to address key physics issues in tokamaks, supporting ITER and DEMO development.
IPP Prague (Institute of Plasma Physics)
A Czech research institute contributing to European fusion research and operating the COMPASS tokamak.
Irish Centre for Fusion Energy Research (ICFER)
Focuses on Ireland's contributions to plasma physics and computational modeling for fusion.
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)
Italy's primary organization for fusion research, managing domestic tokamak projects and contributing to ITER.
ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)
An international collaboration among 35 nations to build and operate the largest experimental tokamak, aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free energy source.
ITER Domestic Agencies (DAs)
National organizations managing each country’s contributions to the ITER project, ensuring efficient delivery of components and systems.
ITER Organization
The central body managing the construction and operation of the ITER project in Cadarache, France.
ITER Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC)
Provides strategic guidance to ITER on scientific and technological challenges.
India’s domestic agency responsible for its contributions to ITER, including cryostat manufacturing and diagnostics.
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Oversees fusion research in Japan, managing major facilities like JT-60SA and contributing to ITER and DEMO.
Japanese National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)
Oversees fusion research in Japan, including the JT-60SA tokamak and contributions to ITER.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Russia)
A multinational research institute advancing nuclear and plasma physics with applications in fusion.
Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)
Manages KSTAR and supports South Korea’s growing role in global fusion energy research and ITER contributions.
Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR)
A South Korean tokamak research program focused on steady-state plasma operation and advanced magnetic confinement.
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
A leading research university contributing to fusion science and technology, including KSTAR advancements.
Korean Fusion Energy Association (KFEA)
An organization that promotes fusion research and industrial involvement in South Korea.
Kurchatov Institute
A Russian scientific research institute involved in plasma physics and tokamak development, including T-15 and participation in ITER.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
A U.S. DOE national lab that operates the National Ignition Facility (NIF), focusing on inertial confinement fusion and high-energy density physics.
Malaysia Nuclear Agency (MNA)
Supports nuclear research and education, with potential future applications in fusion.
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP)
A leading German research institution focusing on fusion energy, including the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator and tokamak studies.
Mexican Fusion Research Consortium
A network of universities and research institutions focusing on plasma physics and fusion energy.
Middle East Nuclear Energy Alliance (MENEA)
Explores energy research collaboration in the Middle East, including emerging interest in fusion energy.
National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ, Poland)
Poland’s primary nuclear research institute, contributing to plasma physics and ITER support.
National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, France)
A leading French research body participating in fusion-related studies, including plasma physics and materials development.
National Fusion Laboratory (LNF, Spain)
Part of CIEMAT, the LNF supports Spain’s fusion research efforts, including contributions to ITER and stellarator projects.
National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI)
South Korea's leading organization for fusion energy research and development, managing KSTAR and other programs.
National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS, Japan)
Focuses on advanced stellarator research, operating the Large Helical Device (LHD) and collaborating on international fusion projects.
National Institute for Nuclear Fusion (INFN, Italy)
Conducts plasma physics and nuclear fusion research, contributing to ITER and European fusion initiatives.
National Institute for Plasma Research (NIPR, India)
India’s premier plasma physics center, leading in tokamak development and ITER collaborations.
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST, Japan)
A central organization in Japan for quantum and radiological research, leading domestic fusion energy projects.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
A U.S. DOE lab that supports energy innovation, including materials research relevant to fusion reactors.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Russia)
A Russian university specializing in nuclear and plasma physics, supporting domestic and international fusion research.
Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
Conducts materials science and energy system research relevant to fusion energy.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Conducts materials science and energy systems research relevant to fusion energy development.
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA, OECD)
Provides technical support and policy recommendations for nuclear and fusion energy projects globally.
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
Conducts nuclear research, including plasma physics studies relevant to fusion.
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Conducts nuclear and plasma physics research, exploring future potential in fusion energy systems.
Plasma Fusion Energy Forum (PFEF, Global)
An international network facilitating discussions and collaborations in fusion science and technology.
Plasma Research Laboratory (PRL, Australia)
Conducts plasma diagnostics and theoretical modeling to support fusion energy development.
Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), MIT
A U.S. research center advancing fusion energy technologies, including high-temperature superconductors for compact reactors.
Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)
Coordinates Poland’s fusion research, contributing to EUROfusion and materials studies.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national lab dedicated to fusion energy and plasma physics research, developing key technologies for tokamaks and stellarators.
Russian Federation's TRINITI
A research institute specializing in plasma physics and fusion energy, contributing to ITER and domestic tokamak research.
Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute
A leading institution in plasma physics and tokamak research, contributing to ITER and domestic fusion projects.
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
A U.S. DOE lab involved in material science and inertial confinement fusion, including the Z Machine, the world's most powerful pulsed-power facility.
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
Collaborative research in energy systems, including plasma physics and materials relevant to fusion.
Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)
Contributes to European fusion research through plasma physics and materials studies.
South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA)
Supports nuclear and fusion research in South Africa, focusing on materials and advanced energy systems.
South American Plasma Physics Network (SAPPN)
Promotes plasma and fusion research collaboration across South America.
SPARC Project
A compact tokamak being developed by Commonwealth Fusion Systems and MIT, leveraging high-temperature superconducting magnets.
Swedish Fusion Research Unit
Focuses on plasma physics and materials research as part of Sweden’s contributions to EUROfusion.
Swedish Fusion Research Unit
Focuses on plasma physics and materials research as part of Sweden’s contributions to EUROfusion.
Swiss Plasma Center (SPC)
A leading European fusion research institute based at EPFL in Switzerland, contributing to tokamak and plasma physics research.
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)
Supports nuclear and plasma research, exploring future involvement in global fusion initiatives.
Tri Alpha Energy (TAE Technologies)
A private U.S. company developing advanced plasma physics technologies, including field-reversed configurations for fusion.
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (DOE-FES)
The branch of the U.S. DOE responsible for funding and guiding national fusion research efforts.
UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)
The UK government agency advancing fusion energy through projects like the MAST Upgrade and STEP program for commercial fusion power plants.
University of São Paulo Fusion Research Center (Brazil)
Conducts experimental and computational research in plasma physics, contributing to global fusion efforts.
University of the Philippines Plasma Physics Group
Aims to establish foundational plasma research for potential future applications in fusion technology.
University of Warsaw Plasma Physics Lab (Poland)
Advances computational modeling and diagnostics to support ITER and global fusion research.
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
Supports research on advanced energy systems, including plasma physics relevant to fusion.
Australian National University (ANU) Plasma Research Laboratory
Focuses on magnetic confinement fusion, plasma diagnostics, and computational modeling.
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) Fusion Plasma Physics Group
Focuses on plasma instabilities, fusion diagnostics, and European fusion energy initiatives.
Colorado School of Mines Center for Space Resources
Investigates plasma propulsion and high-energy-density plasma systems with applications in fusion energy.
Cornell University Laboratory of Plasma Studies (U.S.)
Specializes in plasma instabilities, wave dynamics, and computational simulations for fusion.
Duke University Plasma Physics Research Group (U.S.)
Investigates plasma instabilities, wave dynamics, and materials science for fusion energy.
Durham University Fusion and Astrophysical Plasma Physics Group (UK)
Investigates plasma behavior in fusion reactors and contributes to high-energy-density physics research.
EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Swiss Plasma Center (SPC)
A European leader in tokamak research, plasma theory, and participation in ITER and DEMO projects.
ETH Zurich Plasma Physics Group (Switzerland)
Focuses on plasma dynamics, computational modeling, and experimental diagnostics for fusion research.
Hokkaido University Institute of Low Temperature Science (Japan)
Studies cryogenics and superconducting materials for fusion energy applications.
Imperial College London Plasma Physics Group
Conducts research in high-energy-density physics, inertial confinement fusion, and advanced diagnostic techniques.
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Plasma Research Division
Advances plasma diagnostics, tokamak design, and materials science for India's fusion energy initiatives.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay Plasma Physics Research Division (India)
Advances magnetic confinement fusion, plasma-material interactions, and advanced diagnostics.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur Plasma Research Program (India)
Focuses on plasma turbulence, edge plasma physics, and materials science for fusion reactors.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany)
A leading institution for fusion materials science, tritium handling, and plasma physics research, contributing to EUROfusion.
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Advances plasma diagnostics, materials research, and magnetic confinement fusion studies.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Conducts research in fusion plasma physics, tokamak design, and advanced diagnostics, collaborating with KSTAR.
Kyoto University Institute of Advanced Energy
Specializes in plasma physics, magnetic confinement fusion, and advanced materials for fusion reactors.
Lund University Fusion Energy Research Division (Sweden)
Specializes in computational modeling, plasma diagnostics, and materials for fusion energy.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC)
A leading research center advancing fusion energy technologies, including the SPARC compact tokamak and high-temperature superconducting magnets.
McGill University Plasma Physics Research Group (Canada)
Conducts studies on magnetic confinement, turbulence, and materials for fusion reactors.
Monash University Fusion Research Division (Australia)
Focuses on computational modeling, plasma diagnostics, and materials science for fusion energy.
Nagoya University Plasma Science and Fusion Research Program (Japan)
Specializes in tokamak physics, edge plasma interactions, and advanced diagnostics for fusion energy.
National Institute of Technology (NIT, India) Plasma and Fusion Research Program
Advances computational modeling and materials science for India's fusion energy initiatives.
National Taiwan University Plasma Physics Group
Focuses on edge plasma physics, turbulence, and computational modeling for fusion reactors.
National University of Singapore Plasma and Fusion Research Division
Conducts advanced research in plasma-material interactions and magnetic confinement for fusion energy.
North Carolina State University Plasma Physics Program (U.S.)
Focuses on computational modeling, fusion plasma diagnostics, and reactor design.
Osaka University Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE, Japan)
Conducts cutting-edge research on inertial confinement fusion and laser-plasma interactions.
Princeton University Plasma Physics Program
Home to the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), conducting cutting-edge research in plasma physics and fusion energy.
Purdue University Fusion Research Group (U.S.)
Studies plasma dynamics, high-temperature superconductors, and next-generation fusion reactor concepts.
Qatar University Plasma Physics and Fusion Initiative
Conducts research in plasma-material interactions and develops advanced fusion diagnostic techniques.
Seoul National University (SNU) Plasma Physics and Fusion Group
Advances research in magnetic confinement fusion, plasma stability, and diagnostics, collaborating with KSTAR.
Stanford University Plasma Physics Program
Focuses on theoretical and experimental plasma physics, with applications in fusion energy and space plasmas.
Sun Yat-sen University Fusion Research Division (China)
Focuses on magnetic confinement fusion, tokamak design, and computational modeling.
Technical University of Munich (TUM) Plasma Physics Division (Germany)
Specializes in plasma turbulence, edge plasma physics, and materials for fusion energy.
Texas A&M University Plasma Engineering and Applications Laboratory (PEAL)
Conducts research in plasma diagnostics, turbulence modeling, and fusion energy applications.
Tohoku University Plasma Research Center (Japan)
Conducts research on high-energy-density plasmas, turbulence, and inertial confinement fusion technologies.
Trinity College Dublin Plasma Research Laboratory (Ireland)
Conducts research in plasma diagnostics, magnetic confinement, and materials science.
Tsinghua University Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Center
Conducts research on magnetic confinement fusion and collaborates with China's EAST and CFETR projects.
UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Plasma Physics and Fusion Program
Researches advanced plasma physics, magnetic confinement, and fusion reactor design.
University of Adelaide Plasma Physics Program (Australia)
Studies plasma turbulence, materials science, and magnetic confinement fusion technologies.
University of Alberta Center for Fusion Energy Studies (Canada)
Advances research in plasma-material interactions, magnetic confinement, and computational simulations.
University of Alberta Fusion Energy Research Group (Canada)
Advances magnetic confinement fusion, computational modeling, and plasma-material interactions.
University of Alberta Plasma Physics Laboratory (Canada)
Explores plasma instabilities, confinement, and computational modeling, with applications in fusion energy.
University of Arizona Plasma and Fusion Science Program (U.S.)
Explores magnetic confinement fusion, edge plasma physics, and materials under extreme conditions.
University of Auckland Plasma Physics Group (New Zealand)
Conducts research on plasma confinement, turbulence, and advanced materials for fusion energy.
University of British Columbia Plasma Physics Program (Canada)
Researches magnetic confinement, plasma stability, and advanced computational simulations.
University of California, Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Department
Conducts research in fusion energy systems, plasma diagnostics, and materials science for extreme conditions.
University of California, Irvine Plasma Physics Group
Specializes in plasma turbulence, fusion reactor design, and advanced diagnostic techniques.
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Center for Energy Research
Conducts research on magnetic confinement fusion, plasma turbulence, and advanced diagnostics.
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Plasma Physics Laboratory
Studies plasma-material interactions and advanced diagnostics for fusion energy systems.
University of Cambridge Plasma Physics Group
Researches high-energy plasmas, inertial confinement fusion, and computational modeling.
University of Canterbury High Energy Physics Group (New Zealand)
Investigates plasma instabilities, diagnostics, and advanced fusion concepts.
University of Cape Town Fusion Energy Research Group (South Africa)
Focuses on plasma turbulence, edge diagnostics, and materials for fusion energy.
University of Cape Town Plasma Physics Program (South Africa)
Studies edge plasma dynamics, turbulence, and advanced diagnostics for fusion systems.
University of Coimbra Plasma Research Center (Portugal)
Conducts foundational research in plasma physics and develops advanced technologies for fusion reactors.
University of Colorado Boulder Plasma Physics Group
Researches plasma turbulence, magnetic reconnection, and materials for high-energy plasma systems.
University of Durham Fusion and Plasma Physics Laboratory (UK)
Focuses on advanced diagnostics, plasma turbulence, and computational modeling for fusion applications.
University of Edinburgh Fusion Research Group (UK)
Focuses on plasma physics, materials science, and computational modeling for fusion energy systems.
University of Florida Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Program (U.S.)
Researches plasma turbulence, superconductors for fusion magnets, and materials science.
University of Glasgow Center for Fusion Research (UK)
Explores plasma-material interactions, turbulence, and magnetic confinement for fusion reactors.
University of Glasgow Plasma Physics Group (UK)
Conducts research on high-energy plasmas, magnetic confinement, and computational modeling for fusion.
University of Gothenburg Plasma Physics Group (Sweden)
Investigates plasma instabilities, turbulence, and advanced reactor designs.
University of Helsinki Fusion Energy Program (Finland)
Focuses on plasma-material interactions, edge physics, and computational modeling for fusion systems.
University of Helsinki Plasma Physics Program (Finland)
Studies edge plasma physics, computational modeling, and advanced diagnostics for fusion reactors.
University of Hong Kong Plasma Physics Research Group (China)
Conducts research on edge plasma physics, turbulence, and reactor design for fusion systems.
University of Ibadan Plasma Physics Research Group (Nigeria)
Conducts foundational studies in plasma physics and explores potential applications in fusion energy.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Center for Plasma-Material Interactions
Studies plasma-surface interactions, materials for fusion reactors, and advanced plasma diagnostics.
University of Leeds Fusion Research Group (UK)
Specializes in edge plasma physics, magnetic confinement, and advanced reactor designs.
University of Leicester Plasma Physics Group (UK)
Investigates plasma turbulence, diagnostics, and edge plasma physics for fusion applications.
University of Lisbon Plasma and Fusion Physics Program (Portugal)
Specializes in edge plasma physics, turbulence, and advanced diagnostics for fusion systems.
University of Manchester Dalton Nuclear Institute (UK)
Conducts research in fusion energy materials, plasma diagnostics, and reactor design.
University of Maryland Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP)
Focuses on plasma physics, fusion energy, and advanced computational modeling for fusion systems.
University of Melbourne Plasma Physics Group (Australia)
Researches plasma instabilities, diagnostics, and edge physics for magnetic confinement fusion.
University of Michigan Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
Conducts research on plasma-material interactions, magnetic confinement fusion, and advanced diagnostics.
University of Michigan High Energy Density Physics Group
Studies extreme plasma conditions, inertial confinement fusion, and laser-plasma interactions.
University of Minnesota Plasma and Fusion Research Group
Focuses on magnetic confinement, plasma-material interactions, and theoretical plasma physics.
University of Nevada, Reno Plasma Physics Group (U.S.)
Focuses on high-energy-density plasma physics, Z-pinch research, and inertial confinement fusion.
University of New South Wales Plasma Physics Laboratory (Australia)
Conducts research on plasma-material interactions and advanced fusion diagnostics.
University of Nottingham Plasma and Energy Research Group (UK)
Conducts research on plasma diagnostics, magnetic confinement, and sustainable energy systems.
University of Oslo Advanced Plasma Research Group (Norway)
Conducts studies on turbulence, diagnostics, and materials science for fusion energy.
University of Oslo Plasma Physics Research Group (Norway)
Focuses on wave-particle interactions, turbulence, and materials science for fusion energy systems.
University of Otago Plasma Physics Division (New Zealand)
Focuses on edge plasma dynamics, turbulence, and advanced materials for fusion systems.
University of Oxford Clarendon Laboratory Plasma Physics Group
Investigates plasma behavior in fusion devices and explores high-energy-density physics.
University of Pretoria Advanced Plasma Studies (South Africa)
Researches plasma-material interactions, turbulence, and computational modeling for fusion systems.
University of Pretoria Fusion Energy Research Group (South Africa)
Conducts studies in plasma turbulence, materials science, and advanced reactor concepts.
University of Punjab Plasma and Fusion Science Initiative (Pakistan)
Conducts research in magnetic confinement fusion and foundational plasma physics studies.
University of Queensland Centre for Hypersonics (Australia)
Explores high-energy-density plasmas and fusion-related technologies, including diagnostics and materials.
University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE)
A hub for inertial confinement fusion research, laser technology, and high-energy-density physics.
University of Southampton Plasma Physics Group (UK)
Investigates plasma instabilities, wave-particle interactions, and materials for fusion energy.
University of Strathclyde Plasma Physics Group (UK)
Conducts research on plasma turbulence, diagnostics, and computational modeling for fusion systems.
University of Stuttgart Institute of Plasma Research (Germany)
Specializes in plasma physics, magnetic confinement, and high-energy-density applications.
University of Sydney Plasma Physics Laboratory (Australia)
Conducts experimental and theoretical research in fusion plasma physics and diagnostics.
University of Tasmania Advanced Plasma Studies (Australia)
Conducts research on edge plasma physics, turbulence, and advanced diagnostics for fusion reactors.
University of Tennessee-Knoxville Fusion Energy Division
Conducts research in plasma physics, advanced diagnostics, and fusion reactor technology, collaborating with Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
University of Texas at Austin Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS)
A premier research institute dedicated to theoretical and computational plasma physics and fusion energy development.
University of the Philippines Fusion Energy Research Initiative (Philippines)
Establishes foundational research in plasma physics and explores future fusion technologies.
University of the Philippines Plasma Research Laboratory
Explores plasma physics and magnetic confinement for potential fusion energy applications.
University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Focuses on plasma physics and engineering, contributing to Japanese fusion projects like JT-60SA.
University of Tokyo Plasma Research Center
Conducts research on magnetic confinement, plasma diagnostics, and contributes to Japan's JT-60SA and other fusion projects.
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS, Canada)
Investigates plasma propulsion and high-energy-density plasma applications, including fusion.
University of Vienna Plasma Physics Group (Austria)
Explores high-energy plasmas, turbulence, and materials for fusion energy applications.
University of Virginia Plasma and Fusion Research Group (U.S.)
Advances plasma-material interactions, tokamak stability, and computational simulations.
University of Warwick Centre for Fusion, Space, and Astrophysical Plasma Physics (UK)
Studies plasma instabilities, turbulence, and advanced computational modeling for fusion applications.
University of Washington Plasma Science and Innovation Center (PSI-Center)
Specializes in compact fusion devices, plasma simulations, and advanced reactor concepts.
University of Waterloo Plasma Physics Group (Canada)
Conducts studies in magnetic confinement fusion, plasma turbulence, and computational modeling.
University of Western Australia Plasma Physics Group (Australia)
Focuses on plasma instabilities, wave dynamics, and materials for fusion applications.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Fusion Technology Institute (FTI)
Focuses on tritium breeding, plasma-material interactions, and advanced reactor designs for fusion energy systems.
University of York Fusion Research Group (UK)
A key player in UKAEA fusion research, focusing on plasma turbulence, edge physics, and materials for fusion reactors.
University of Zurich Fusion Energy Research Group (Switzerland)
Investigates plasma turbulence, superconductors, and advanced materials for fusion applications.
Vienna University of Technology Plasma Physics Division (Austria)
Focuses on high-energy-density plasmas, turbulence, and materials for fusion energy systems.
Avalanche Energy
Developing micro-fusion reactors for portable power applications, utilizing innovative confinement methods.
Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Developing the SPARC compact tokamak, utilizing high-temperature superconducting magnets to achieve net-positive fusion energy.
Energy Singularity
A Chinese start-up developing small-scale tokamaks with high-temperature superconducting materials to reduce costs.
First Light Fusion
Investigating inertial confinement fusion with a novel projectile-driven approach to achieve fusion conditions.
Focused Energy
Investigating laser-driven inertial fusion energy, aiming to develop commercial fusion power plants.
General Atomics
Engaged in fusion research and development, contributing to projects like the DIII-D National Fusion Facility.
General Fusion
Pursuing magnetized target fusion technology, aiming to create practical fusion power plants with a unique compression system.
HB11 Energy
Pursuing hydrogen-boron fusion using laser technology to achieve aneutronic fusion reactions.
Helical Fusion
Exploring helical reactor designs to achieve stable plasma confinement for fusion energy production.
Helicity Space
Developing fusion propulsion systems for space exploration, leveraging advanced plasma physics.
Helicity Space
Developing fusion propulsion systems for space exploration, leveraging advanced plasma physics.
Helion Energy
Focused on building cost-effective, compact fusion generators using a pulsed non-ignition fusion approach.
Jupiter Volta
Working on advanced fusion reactor designs with a focus on sustainability and economic viability.
Exploring laser-based fusion approaches to achieve efficient and controlled fusion reactions.
LINEA Innovations
Developing innovative diagnostic tools and technologies to support fusion reactor operations.
LPP Fusion
Working on dense plasma focus devices to achieve aneutronic proton-boron fusion for clean energy.
Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies (MIFTI)
Combining magnetic and inertial confinement methods to develop practical fusion energy solutions.
Marvel Fusion
Exploring laser-driven inertial confinement fusion, aiming to harness advanced materials and technologies for energy production.
NearStar Fusion
Focusing on magneto-inertial fusion concepts to create compact and efficient fusion reactors.
Novatron Fusion Group
Developing unique plasma confinement techniques to enhance fusion reactor performance.
Pacific Fusion
A Silicon Valley startup aiming to achieve commercial fusion energy using pulsed magnetic fusion technology.
Princeton Fusion Systems
Specializing in compact fusion reactors and advanced plasma propulsion technologies.
Proxima Fusion
A spin-off from the Max Planck Institute, working on advanced stellarator designs for commercial fusion energy.
Realta Fusion
Developing modular fusion energy systems with an emphasis on rapid deployment and scalability.
Renaissance Fusion
Focusing on stellarator designs with liquid metal walls to create efficient and sustainable fusion reactors.
SHINE Technologies
Producing medical isotopes and pursuing fusion-based neutron sources for industrial applications.
Working on advanced stellarator designs to achieve steady-state fusion energy production.
TAE Technologies
Developing advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration reactors, targeting aneutronic fusion for cleaner energy.
Terra Fusion
Developing fusion energy solutions with a focus on environmental sustainability and economic feasibility.
Thea Energy
Exploring innovative confinement methods to develop practical and scalable fusion reactors.
Tokamak Energy
Combining spherical tokamak design with high-temperature superconducting magnets to develop compact fusion reactors.
Type One Energy
Developing optimized stellarator fusion reactors, aiming for continuous operation and steady-state fusion power.
UK Industrial Fusion Solutions
A UK-based company aiming to commercialize fusion energy technologies for industrial applications.
Xcimer Energy
Investigating laser-driven fusion approaches to create efficient and controlled fusion reactions.
Xtus Energy
Developing advanced materials and technologies to support the next generation of fusion reactors.
Zap Energy
Working on sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch technology to create simpler and more scalable fusion reactors.