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    NanoPlex HDC

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    NanoPlex HDC films have revolutionary energy storage capabilities ideal for high-power applications, getting more bang for your buck.


    More Power to Drive
    Lightweight Designs
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    NanoPlex HDC films are made from nanoscale metamaterials that enable more power in the same footprint, driving lightweight, compact designs.

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    NanoPlex HDC enables capacitor designs that are 2x smaller, reducing the footprint and overall cost.

    How Can NanoPlex Capacitor FILMS Optimize Designs?
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    As power systems become more demanding, so must the components that enable them. NanoPlex Capacitor films are next-generation materials specifically designed to meet the demands of high-performance capacitors. NanoPlex films are created by expertly selecting the right materials and arranging them in specific nanoscale configurations to create new solution designs that move beyond the limits of conventional materials. Here are four ways NanoPlex can change how product and system designs can be optimized:

    1. Smaller Form Factors – NanoPlex films enable smaller and lighter capacitors, which reduces space and infrastructure requirements while helping to cut overall capacitor costs.

    2. Higher Temperature Handling – NanoPlex’s higher temperature capabilities enable functionality in hotter environments while reducing cooling demands on the system and thus reducing overall system weight and cost.

    3. Longer Operating Lifetimes – NanoPlex-based capacitors enable up to 5x longer lifecycles, improving MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure).

    4. Reduce Maintenance – Designs that use NanoPlex-based capacitors will require less maintenance and support in the field.




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    Peak Metamaterial Leadership

    Metamaterials are engineered materials designed to have properties not found in naturally occurring substances. They are created by arranging materials in specific configurations at a nanoscale, often smaller than the wavelengths of light, sound, or electromagnetic waves, which enable them to create new ways to manage our world and shrink the size of materials used in products.

    Peak is a leader in nanolayered metamaterials. Our patented NanoPlex solutions are engineered and manufactured in the United States. NanoPlex enables researchers and engineers to reimagine how we solve some of the world’s biggest problems. Our films have been designed and manufactured with up to 4096 layers, pushing material science to new heights and allowing us to create truly novel solutions with our researchers, engineers, and partners. 


    NanoPlex Metamaterial Manufacturing Science
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    NanoPlex films require not only new product science but also new manufacturing science. Peak has developed new methodologies for the development of metamaterials, including the ability to control material layers at nanometer thicknesses while maintaining the integrity of each layer across thousands of layers. 

    Peak is a global leader in the science of rheology, a branch of physics that deals with the formation and flow of matter, especially the non-Newtonian flow of liquids and the plastic flow of solids. Our advanced capabilities in this area allow us to control thousands (4096) of metamaterial layers, enabling breakthrough innovative solutions that are changing the optics, fusion power grid, and aerospace industries, to name just a few.

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